Sassy Memorial Pet Foundation
Sassy Memorial Pet Foundation

Be They Hero.
Be They Hero.
When you donate to the Sassy Memorial Pet Foundation, you change two lives: the life of a real pet and the life of their owner. You’re helping to preserve and protect a bond of love and devotion, and giving hope to those who depend the most on their pets for love and companionship.

That love matters

Any pet can improve your health

Benefits of pets for older adults

Changing lives.
Changing lives.
Right now, many people who love their pets dearly face a terrible reality: their pet needs a critical procedure or treatment, but they just can’t afford the cost. This is such a lonely and devastating position to be in. to forego non-elective treatment, or, in some cases, to euthanize. We started the Sassy Memorial Foundation because we believe there must be a third option to get help. Thanks to our generous donors, pets will not only be getting the care they need but also will not go bed on a hungry stomach and their owners receive a gift more precious than words.